Welcome to Yanmo Online Coaching Academy YOCA!

Have you ever traveled to a new city or country and instantly felt a connection with the people, their food, and the culture, and as a result of the genuine warmth and acceptance you felt you find yourself without much effort adopting it as a second home? 
That is exactly how YOCA makes its clients feel!
If you are a business that employs black and ethnic minority professionals or an individual who does not identify as white and would like to improve your soft skills to enhance productivity then, consider YOCA the leading and favorite go-to source for soft skill learning.
We are guaranteed to transform your interpersonal relationships

About Us

Yanmo Online Coaching Academy (YOCA) is a Coaching & Training Academy aimed at developing, honing, and mastering soft and people skills for Black and Ethnic Minority Professionals.

Do you know that 85% of job success emanates from having well developed soft and people skills?

Are you aware that only 15% of job success comes from technical skills and knowledge (hard skills)?

YOCA has a well-designed framework to teach, train, and coach individuals to a high level of soft skill education, ranking it as UK’s leading People Development Company. 

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Our training and workshops are developed and designed to boost effectiveness for professionals within organizations through soft skill mastery.

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Amplify Masterclass

AMPLIFY is an empowering mindset-shifting interactive masterclass that occurs yearly to give fresh interpretation and perspective to life so individuals can live authentically through practical application and dialogue.


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Contact Us



71 – 75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ

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